What Is The Drive App On My Phone

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Since its launch in early 2012, the Google Drive app has seen many changes. When it originally launched it replaced the Google Docs app, didn't allow you to actually edit documents on iOS, but. The app displays your discount, trip details, safe driving tips and keeps track of your streak of distraction-free trips. Additional detail is provided on your driving versus others who have the app. And depending on how you drive, your policy will earn a program discount on your car insurance.

We utilize a variety of driving factors such as: distracted driving, hard braking, cornering, smoothness, road type, distance driven, time of day, and weather to calculate your score. Some of these factors may impact your score more than others or may not at all. You will be able to see your score and components right in the DriveEasy app.


We log two types of distracted driving behaviors, handheld phone calls and active phone use when driving faster than 6mph.

Reminder: Active phone use is touching your phone for any reason (GPS, minimizing screens, unlocking your phone, etc.) and could negatively impact your driving score since all of these actions can be distracting you from driving! This also includes other passengers using your phone since the app cannot distinguish who is using the phone during the trip.

Tip: Keep your phone out of reach and your eyes on the road at all times when driving.

A hard brake is calculated based on your rate of deceleration while driving, which is used to produce a hard-braking score.

Tip: Make sure you keep sufficient distance between the car in front of you.

Phone Drive App Free

The speed at which you are cornering is used to determine if you were driving safely. If you are taking corners too quickly, it could cause you to lose control of your vehicle.

Tip: Slow down when going into turns to ensure you maintain control of your vehicle.

The way you control your speeds when driving assists in driving safely. Frequent change of speeds and abrupt stops increase likelihood of an accident.

Tip: Avoid frequent lane changes and maintain a consistent speed.

What Is The Drive App On My Phone App

The type of road you are driving on, specifically whether the road is easy or complex. An example of easy road is a highway that is mainly straight and at a consistent speed.

How long you are driving in miles from one place to another.

What Is The Drive App On My Phone

This is the time of day that you're driving. For example, driving at 3 am on a Saturday is riskier than 12 pm on a weekday.

This uses the type of weather that you are driving in to determine the conditions. In bad weather, your visibility is impacted, and the conditions can be risky.

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